Mark Theodore (Sorting Hat), Jamie Ballard (Harry Potter), Ryan Mackay (u/s Albus Potter), Susie Trayling (Ginny Potter), Dylan Mason (James Potter Jr), Thomas Aldridge (Ron Weasley), Leah Haile (u/s Rose Granger-Weasley), Franc Ashman (Hermione Granger), Jonathan Case (Scorpius Malfoy), Annette McLaughlin (Dolores Umbridge), James Phoon (Craig Bowker Jr), Amarah-Jae St. Aubyn (u/s Polly Chapman), Jordan Bamford (Yann Fredericks), Craig Connolly (Karl Jenkins), Sandy McDade (Professor McGonagall), James Howard (Draco Malfoy), Barry McCarthy (Amos Diggory), April Hughes (u/s Delphi Diggory), David Annen (Vernon Dursley), Sinead Sharkey (u/s Moaning Myrtle), Adrian Christopher (Bane), Martin Johnston (Station Master), Jack Burns (Young Harry Potter), Darcy Summer-Hannan (Lily Potter Jr)
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