Manoel Felciano (George), Kelli O'Hara (Dot, Marie), Nancy Dussault (Old Lady, Blaine Daniels), Sarah Knowlton (Nurse, Harriet Pawling), Gregory North (Jules, Bog Greenburg), Nancy Hess (Yovonne, Naomi Eisen), Sam Zeller (One-Eyed Boatman, Charles Redmond), Elizabeth Brackenbury (Celeste #1, Elaine), Katherin Von Till (Celeste #2, Cocktail Waitress), Brent Schindele (Solider #1, Waiter), Matthew Patrick Davis (Solider #2, Alex), Jacqueline Emerson (Louise), Kristofer McNeeley (Franz Webster), Katy Blake, Frank Kopyc, Sean Smith
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