Betsy Struxness

Hailing from Kansas City, MO I have been in New York honing my artistic chops for two decades. I have worked my way through the ranks of theater throughout the country to make my way, to the original company of the smash-hit Broadway phenomenon Hamilton, where I crafted the first #StruxSelfie into a bit of a cult delight. Hamilton felt like the conquering of Broadway ensemble work, so now I have shifted my sights in numerous directions towards becoming a more autonomous interdisciplinary artist. With the knowledge I’ve gained through theater, dance, college, voiceovers, writing, podcasting, teaching, photographing, and traveling, I am creating woman-focused, socially conscious works spanning choreography to film. In addition to my creative endeavors, I enjoy teaching in various forms. I am a sought after instructor due to my career highlights and my ease in communicating nuanced concepts in dance and theater to a multitude of people ranging all different levels. Mostly teaching in all realms of theater, I can also be found teaching WERQ Cardio Dance Fitness, a popular and innovative platform founded by my sister Haley Stone. I am always looking for that next step upward or forward or onto a different adventure path. Stay tuned.